Hallmark Homecare San Antonio
- San Antonio | Texas
About Role
Posted On:
January 09, 2024
Job Type:
3-5 Years
Payment Type:
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Job Description
We are recruiting for 2 overnight shifts 8pm-8am and 10pm-9am
Highly experienced and capable with Transfers
Very patient person with the ability to accept direction
Job duties may include: Companionship, Light housekeeping, Meal Prep, Laundry, Transportation – Errands or Appts, Toileting and Bathing assistance, Mobility – Unstable; must prevent falls
The ability to rest quietly while the client sleeps but easily alert-able
Highly dependable with excellent references for attendanceHallmark Homecare is the nation’s top caregiver recruiting service that specializes in matching families to caregivers, for the family to hire directly. Since 2013, families have paid us to find, screen, vet and staff their household care positions with experienced and highest quality caregivers across the country. Caregivers love our clients and tend to stay with them for long periods of time. Our average client employs their caregiver for >1 year and some for >5 years. Hallmark referred caregivers make more on average, than those employed by an agency, as you will be hired directly by the family!